How to Clean Your Lungs after Quitting Smoking

How to Clean Your Lungs after Quitting Smoking

Smoking takes its toll on a person’s lungs. It is a fairly large threat, with the potential to leading to such diseases as lung cancer and emphysema.

So, yes, there is a need to clean out all that gunk that cigarettes introduced into your lungs.

Of course, kicking the habit is a big step in the right direction. If you stop smoking, you are no longer adding logs to the fire, so to speak.

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There are many different approaches to quitting smoking, from programs like Quit Smoking Magic to support groups to hypnotists and therapists. There is, too, the option to use nicotine patches or gum.

Once you’ve made it past that point though, to the point where you are ready to truly move on with your life, you do have the option to clean your lungs.

Threats of Smoking to Your Lungs

When you smoke, you are inhaling thousands of chemicals.

Cigarettes are also an unfortunately common source of nicotine, tars, and carbon monoxide to the human body. None of these are at all healthy.

Twirl that little stick of tobacco in your hand. It doesn’t seem that threatening, does it?

Not only does smoking have that element of seduction that can be seen in the older movies from the peak of cigarette’s popularity, it also has that element of deception, as well.

All of these harmful components found in cigarettes can do a number on your lungs. For example, smoking:

  • Can increase your risk of lung cancer
  • Can increase your risk of emphysema
  • Makes you more susceptible to infections in your lungs
  • Can make it harder for you to breath
  • Can cause your cilia, which clean your lungs, to work less efficiently
  • Affects the regulation of mucus in your lungs, leading to a chronic cough
  • Causes your lungs to age faster
  • Destroys your lungs

This is just a sampling of the devastating effects of smoking on your lungs. Just your lungs. It can have even worse consequences elsewhere in your body.

How to Clean Your Lungs

The cilia, the bristle-like structures in your lungs, are what clean your lungs. If you damage (and even destroy) them with smoking, your lungs aren’t going to get the upkeep they need to function properly.

Fortunately, you can help out your damaged cilia after you have quit smoking.

To begin with, you can avoid putting yourself in situations where you would be exposed to second hand smoke. Not only will you further damage your lungs, being around other people smoking can be extremely tempting for you to pick the habit up again.

It is also a good idea to avoid an environment that is high in carbon monoxide.

The next thing you can do is look at your diet.

Eating pineapples can actually be really beneficial to your lungs. This is because a component of pineapples, bromelin, can help clean them.

But pineapples are just a good starting point. There are also a number of other spices and foods that can further help your lungs:

  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne and fresh cayenne peppers
  • Avocados

Your personal physician or a lung specialist can help you compile a list of consumables that will help heal the damage done from smoking.

Having a good diet and exercising can not only help you heal your lungs, it can also help you avoid gaining weight after quitting smoking.

Exercising daily can encourage your lungs to get rid of mucus and phlegm through coughing. Exercise can also help increase your lung capacity for air.

To further increase your lung capacity, try breathing exercises. There are a wide range of techniques, including guided meditation, which encourages deep breathing.

Another option would be to talk to your physician about increasing your lung capacity. He or she may in turn recommend you to a respiratory therapist.


There are a number of different things you can do to help your lungs heal after being a routine smoker.

Some of these steps to a healthier life are easier than others, but don’t be discouraged. Just find the approach and the diet that works for you and your lifestyle.

And don’t give up hope if you slip up and start smoking again. Reach out to your physician, your therapist; pick up your Quit Smoking Magic program and try again.

If you had the strength, the will-power to quit once, you most certainly can quit again.

Continue doing what you can to work toward a healthier future.

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