Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Signs of Marijuana Addiction

Many people say that they use marijuana as a recreational activity. They say that they only do it from time to time and that they can stop whenever they are ready. While this may indeed be true for some, for others this is far from the case.

In fact, many are addicted to this drug and either prefer not to deal with the truth of their situation or are simply in a state of denial. If you or someone you know smokes marijuana and you are wondering if it has become an addiction, then there are a few signs that you can be on the lookout for to know for sure.

Let’s take a moment to discuss the biggest tell-tale signs of marijuana addiction.

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One of the first signs of marijuana addition is resistance to it. In the beginning, first times users are able to experience a high after just a couple of puffs of this drug. However, as time progresses, users will find that their body builds up a certain level of resistance.

In other words, the individual will have to take more of the drug in order to experience the exact same level of high that they did when they first started. If someone has built up a level of tolerance and find it harder and harder to notice a change, then this is a sure sign of dependency.


If an individual’s find that they experience physical discomfort when they don’t take the drug, this means that they are experiencing a form of withdrawal.

Withdrawals can come in the forms of restlessness, a loss of appetite, anxiety as well as many other things. Though these symptoms due go away within two week after quitting, those who are addicted find it hard to cope with them and revert back to using the drug.

Friendships Are Chosen Based on The Drug

Addict often spend less and less time with friends and family who don’t smoke marijuana and more and more time with those who do. Since majority of the individual’s time is spent smoking, they feel the need to be around those with like interests.

If someone chooses their relationships based on drug activity, it is a sign that they are dependent on the drug.

Individuals Need It to Relax

If someone finds that marijuana smoking has become such a daily part of their routine that finish the day without it, it’s a sign of an addition. Most addicts claim that the drug calms them down and that they do it at the end of the day to help them relax.

Responsibilities Suffer

Another sign of a marijuana addiction is when the person stops taking care of the most basic responsibilities. This includes the most common functions such as reporting to work, attending school or completing simple chores around the home.

These individuals often find it difficult to be able to completely focus and concentrate on these tasks. They are more occupied with drug activity.

It’s an Escape from Reality

Most addicts smoke in order to cope with situations that they feel they cannot deal with. They feel that marijuana provides an escape from reality. They use it as a coping mechanism for work, school or family.

Attempts to Quit Always Fails

Perhaps the biggest sign of a marijuana addiction is repeated attempts to quit that always end in failure.

If you or someone you know is always telling people that you’re quitting but you always seem to have to go back to the drug, then you have developed a dependency. This is often accompanied being in denial and lying to yourself about how much marijuana you consume in a day.

Addiction can be considered to be a repeated cycle which seems impossible to break away from.

The only way to fix a problem is to acknowledge it. And part of acknowledging a problem with addiction is being aware of all of the signs that come along with it.

If marijuana consumption causes withdrawals, a change in social group, has become a part of daily routines, causes responsibilities to suffer, provides an escape from reality and is a vicious cycle that is hard to break free from, then it has likely become an addiction.

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