Reasons to Stop Smoking

Reasons to Stop Smoking

There are countless, countless reasons for you to stop smoking.

If you are struggling to quit, you might want to try writing out a list of pros and cons to smoking and a list of pros and cons for quitting.

Hopefully, the cons list for smoking will be longer and the cons list for quitting will be much, much shorter.

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Still, you may find it beneficial to also invest yourself in a program geared toward quitting smoking. If this is the case for you, you might consider the Quit Smoking Magic program. It has a 98% success rate and it is much more economical than some other solutions available.

Without further delay, below is a small sampling of the benefits to no longer smoking.

36 Reasons to Quit Smoking

1. You will have a much higher chance of living longer if you don’t smoke

2. You reduce the risk of dying from a smoking-related or influenced disease, such as:

  • Lung cancer
  • Throat cancer
  • Cancer of the esophagus
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke

3. Smoking can lead to a higher occurrence of colds and lung and breathing problems in people of all ages, but particularly the youngest and oldest in society

4. Your family (especially children!) won’t be inhaling second-hand smoke from your cigarettes

5. Your friends won’t be inhaling second-hand smoke that leads to diseases and can be a temptation for them if they are trying to quit smoking

6. Your pets won’t be inhaling second hand smoke, which means they stay healthy and their fur doesn’t smell like stale smoke

7. You won’t constantly smell like smoke from your hair to your clothes and even your skin and breath

8. You will have a lower chance of developing smokers wrinkles around the mouth (from the act of sucking on a cigarette)

9. The walls of your house won’t be coated in yellowing nicotine

10. Home furnishing won’t be infused with nicotine and the smell of cigarette smoke, both of which can be difficult to remove

11. Your car won’t smell like stale smoke

12. Your teeth will become less nicotine-stained

13. Your fingers won’t be tar-stained from your cigarettes

14. You won’t be spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on packs, cartons, or rolling supplies for cigarettes

15. Smoking and second-hand smoke can be detrimental to unborn babies

16. Some negatives impacts of smoking (such as a poor sense of taste and smell) can be reversed when you quit. Your body will begin repairing itself

17. Once you quit, you will notice a drop in your blood pressure and your heart rate returns to normal, improving circulation

18. Smoking is detrimental to the appearance of the skin and can cause it to age prematurely

19. You will no longer to controlled by nicotine cravings

20. Your insurance rates are lower because you won’t have the same risk factors

21. Smoking can increase the chance of infections

22. A taboo is beginning to form around smoking, influencing people’s perceptions of smokers in social and professional settings

23. You will have a lower chance of having to pay for treatments related to smoking

24. Cigarette burns in clothing, furniture, and carpets will no longer be a concern

25. Falling asleep while smoking can lead to fire

26. Improperly disposed of ashes, cigarette butts, and matches can lead to fire

27. Smoking can negatively impact self-confidence or self-image

28. If you are looking for a romantic or sexual partner, more and more people are turned off by the idea of a potential partner being a smoker

29. Smoking can negatively impact blood vessels, which can spell bad news for one male extremity in particular

30. Smoking cigarettes can actually act as a type of crutch during stressful situations

31. Physical activity and the ability to be more active can improve after you quit smoking

32. Most public spaces no longer allow patrons to smoke inside and even have a minimum distance smokers must be from the nearest door

33. It can be difficult to locate a smokers room in a hotel, if one is even offered at all

34. Smoking outside can present its own consequences, especially in less-than-ideal weather conditions

35. If you have developed a chronic cough due to smoking, that can potentially go away once you quit smoking

36. You will have more time in each day to do things you want to do instead of bending to the will of your nicotine addiction


As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to walk away from cigarettes.

Don’t be ashamed to seek out help in the form of a program like Quit Smoking Magic, or even a local support group of fellow smokers trying to quit.

Our Top Pick For Quit Smoking

The Easiest Way To Quit Smoking Fast!

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