Can’t Stop Smoking Weed?

Can’t Stop Smoking Weed

If you are struggling with weed and looking for the best tips on how to quit smoking it, you have landed in the right place. The journey towards quitting weed begins by accepting it has ruined your life and that it’s time to let go and start a new chapter in life.

Weed, or marijuana, is a highly addictive drug that can affect the life of a person who has been using it solidly for years. It has serious side effects that can interfere with your social life, work and self-esteem. Marijuana is not good on the general health of anyone using it. It can mess up many things in a person’s life if not corrected immediately.

Here is how marijuana affects anyone using it.

Breathing problems

Weed has the same effects to the respiratory system as smoking cigarettes. Smoking weed is obviously very harmful to a person’s health

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High blood pressure

Smoking marijuana an increase the heart rate, which, as a result, will elevate your blood pressure. Excessive use of marijuana for long can lead to complications for users with cardiac problems and even lead to loss of life

Memory problems

Smoking marijuana is known to impair a person’s memory especially short-term memory. Chronic usage of marijuana can as well lead to total memory damage with time

Mood swings

Marijuana or weed can affect a person’s moods which can lead to long-term psychological complications

Weed is also known to cause long-term mental problems especially for chronic users who cannot do without smoking it. Mental health complications are one of the many risks associated with weed, and if you have reached a level where you believe weed negatively affects your mental health, then you have to quit immediately.

Marijuana is a type of drug which can cause serious problems especially if you find yourself entirely dependent on it

It’s estimated that about 30% of those who smoke weed end up being dependent on this drug which later turns to addiction. If you belong to this bracket of weed smokers, then the best thing to do is quit

Quitting weed

  1. A desire to quit smoking weed is a very important step that anyone who plans to quit weed should take. Decide first, and let it be a personal decision so that you can determine as an individual on how to deal with it.
  2. Smoking weed is not something you can immediately drop and move on to a better life. It needs a serious game plan and you cannot just say “I’m done.” You must first become well informed about marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Though not very serious, marijuana withdrawal symptoms can affect a person and lead to a relapse. In fact, most people who have relapsed cite severity of withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and irritability as the reason why they could not quit smoking marijuana.
  3. Who are your friends? You should be close to people ready to support your decision of quitting marijuana. If the friends you hang around with can’t respect your decision, then you have to find other people, even if it means losing some of your friends. Change your habits and find friends or loved ones who will support you towards successful quitting. If there is a group that influences you to smoke, then you have to stay away from such people as much as you can.
  4. Get something positive to keep yourself busy. Go for a run or a walk to feel the fresh air and enjoy nature. Break away from things that are boring and get something exciting to do like watching your favorite movie or playing basketball. Whatever you do just make sure it can’t influence you to start smoking again.
  5. You should plan on how to deal with marijuana withdrawal symptoms. When a person quits smoking weed, it’s likely that he or she will experience withdrawal symptoms within the first few days. Some people will easily overcome marijuana withdrawal symptoms, but some will need medical attention. The impact of these symptoms will, therefore, vary from one user to another.


Marijuana use has some serious consequences to your overall health when you use it on a regular basis. If you have decided that you want to quit this habit, which is affecting your life, you can follow the above steps to help you stop smoking weed and start a new chapter in your life.

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