When You Stop Smoking Weed

When You Stop Smoking Weed

The benefits of quitting weed outweigh the disadvantages due to the fact that smoking weed can lead to complications such as mental illness and many other problems. Many weed smokers would probably love to quit pot and start a new chapter in life.

Weed smoking has unwelcome effects on a person’s life, and it can take control of how you relate or interact with friends, workmates, relatives, and loved ones. Obviously not every weed smoker suffers from its effects, but the reality is that weed will definitely affect an individual in the long run.

Any person planning to quit smoking weed should be well informed early enough about marijuana withdrawal symptoms that almost every person who quits the pot experiences. Though not life threatening, marijuana withdrawal symptoms can affect an individual in one way or another, depending on that person’s response to such symptoms. Here are some of the most common marijuana withdrawal symptoms:

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  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Depression
  • Chills
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating and increased temperature
  • Abdominal pains

These withdrawal symptoms affect people differently depending on a number of factors. The extent of these symptoms will sometimes depend on the frequency of smoking and the duration of the smoking period. Those who have spent years smoking marijuana are more likely to experience severe withdrawal symptoms than people who have occasionally been smoking.

Quitting weed is an achievement for people who truly comprehend how weed can affect health and completely disorient a person’s life. Anyone who has been a chronic weed smoker understands the benefits and disadvantages of quitting weed. Ask any person who used to be a chronic weed smoker but stopped, and  the person will tell you how bad smoking weed can be for your life.

Here are some of the main benefits of quitting weed as contributed by a number of former chronic weed smokers:

Freedom at last

Weed can convert a person into a servant in such a way that doing some activities will not be possible unless you are under the influence. Marijuana takes control of your life the moment you find yourself not being able to continue normal daily routines without using weed.

The best way to avoid being a slave to marijuana is by developing a plan to quit and begin a new chapter in life. After doing this, you will have helped yourself become free and decide the right course to take in life.

Thinking in the right direction

To get rid of being paranoid daily, you need to quit pot and start thinking clearly. Studies conducted among people who smoked weed but later decided to quit, found out that a good majority of such individuals achieved clearer thinking after quitting weed.

Life was more meaningful to them after quitting weed, than when they smoked. The decision to quit smoking transformed them into productive people, able to see what life has in store for them.

Saves you money

Weed addicts spend lots of money buying it, which means that quitting can actually help save you all the money you used to spend in buying weed. People mostly concentrate on other benefits of quitting marijuana, but forget that it also has a financial benefit, which, in this case, is saving money. With the money saved after quitting weed, a person can achieve financial freedom and purchase other important things.

After quitting weed, a person will then be able to see that weed was actually an unnecessary expense, hence more of a disadvantage than a benefit.

Better memory

Weed smoking leads to short-term memory complications making it hard for a person to remember things. Quitting helps in terms of both short-term and long-term boosting of memory to remember important things in life.

Poor memory can affect a person’s relationships with friends, relative and loved ones. It can also lead to loss of job in cases where a person may not be able to remember important details, even a few days back.

Improved health

Smoking weed is known to affect appetite. For the body to get essential nutrients, a person should have a good appetite and eat nutritious foods to help them maintain general body health. Quitting weed is important as it enables a person to develop an appetite for a variety of foods that can help maintain homeostasis, and help fight disease.

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