Ways to Quit Smoking Weed

Ways to Quit Smoking Weed

If you believe that marijuana, or weed as many know it, is holding you back and converting your life into impossibilities, then it’s time to let go and quit smoking to get your life back on track.

Marijuana is scientifically proven to be so addictive that it can make a person to give up on his habits or even become an antisocial. You have a right as an individual to get your old life back and start enjoying life like your friends. Don’t allow marijuana to make your life a living hell, and know that there are proven ways you can use to quit marijuana.

Addiction to marijuana is obviously very harmful, not only to your health, but also to your life, friends, loved ones, and relatives. It also has unwelcome impacts on your social life, job, and relationships. It can make you lose your job, and cause all sorts of problems that will leave you suffering emotionally and socially. Make good use of available opportunities to make your life great again.

Our Top Pick For Vice Withdrawal

The Easiest Way To Quit Weed Without Withdrawals!

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The journey towards quitting marijuana begins by being willing and ready to quit. It starts by accepting that you need to quit and get your life in order. Be honest to yourself and take the problem head-on and accept that you are an addict and you need to transform yourself into a new person. Forward ever backward never should be the motto here.

Here are the steps to follow in order to quit smoking or using marijuana.

Be honest and accept that you are addicted

This is a very important step towards quitting marijuana forever. To kick the habit of using marijuana, it’s important to be honest and admit that it’s ruining your life, including your health.

Get rid of all things you use when smoking marijuana

If you are serious about quitting marijuana, then you must begin by getting rid of all paraphernalia you normally used when smoking. Get rid of water pipes, rolling papers lighters and pipes that you used when smoking. If there is weed in your room, flush it down the toilet, or just get rid of it in the best possible way.

If there is anything in your room that you believe can make you smoke weed again, then you must get rid of it too. Such things are known as triggers, and if you don’t get rid of them then you may end up not quitting weed.

Completely delete marijuana dealer contacts from your phone book, and if there is a supplier who can make you continue smoking then you’ll have to get rid of him or her too.

Get support from close friends and loved ones

Now that you are being honest with yourself and have admitted that marijuana has been destroying your life, the next thing to do is to get enough support from people close to you. Avoid friends who can make you continue smoking, and get close to people willing to support and encourage you along.

The people you trust in your life should be informed that you are quitting weed so that they know you are asking for their support. If all your friends are smokers, then make it clear to them that you have made a personal decision, and not a group decision. They should be ready to respect your decision and not pull you back to smoking again.

Be ready for withdrawal symptoms

Quitting marijuana after years of solid smoking, leads to what is known as marijuana withdrawal symptoms. It’s not permanent, and it will only last for a few weeks to feel normal again. Withdrawal symptoms are usually at their peak within the first week following withdrawal from marijuana. Some of the marijuana withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Lack of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating or high temperatures

Keep yourself busy with other activities

After quitting marijuana, the best thing to do is to keep yourself busy with other things that can help you to avoid thinking about marijuana, or wanting to smoke. Go for sports or a hobby, and keep yourself busy with. You can visit a friend or take a walk in the park to just enjoy what nature has to offer.

You can watch your favorite series, if you get bored doing other things. Just keep yourself busy with positive things. The objective here is to keep your mind occupied so that you avoid focusing on anything that would take you closer to smoking again.

Our Top Pick For Vice Withdrawal

The Easiest Way To Quit Weed Without Withdrawals!

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